Tag Archives: Tax Obligations for Portuguese Companies

End-of-2024 Inventory: Obligations for Early 2025

The communication of inventories is a tax obligation aimed at ensuring that the Tax Authority (AT) has access to accurate and detailed information about the quantities of goods in stock at the end of each fiscal year. This measure primarily seeks to guarantee transparency in evaluating the costs of goods sold and consumed, as well as in determining the final financial result of the taxable entities’ fiscal year.

Through this obligation, the AT can more rigorously monitor the values reported by companies, which are essential for determining taxable profit, thereby contributing to greater fiscal equity and fairness.

Who is required to report inventories?
The communication of inventories is mandatory for:

Individuals or legal entities with headquarters, a permanent establishment, or tax residency in Portuguese territory;
Companies with organized accounting, regardless of their turnover or business sector.
Reporting requirements
Since the legislation was updated, submitting a valued inventory has become mandatory. This means that, in addition to specifying the quantities of each item in stock, entities must indicate the acquisition value of each item, excluding VAT. This valuation applies to all inventory items, including finished products, raw materials, goods, and any other assets relevant to the company’s operations.

Deadlines and implications
The inventory for the end of 2024 must be submitted at the beginning of 2025, within the deadlines set by the AT. Failure to comply with this obligation may result in significant penalties, emphasizing the need for rigorous monitoring and good accounting practices by companies.

With this measure, the AT aims to increase the efficiency of the tax system, promoting greater transparency and accuracy in the financial and tax reports of companies operating in national territory.